Just a quick THANK YOU to all of those who serve, have served or have fallen preserving our freedom!

Thank you!

Lynx Lake:Prescott, AZ Oct 9th-Oct 14th  

The girls had two weeks off of school this past October. The first week Samantha and Elizabeth spent with Grandma and Grandpa Staehnke in Superstition Mountain OHV. (after Ralph and I left-they stayed another 4 days or so-see previous post) I took a week off to take them camping for the rest of their time off. But we need to stay close by...Ralph had to go to work. We had fun. During the days the weather was great, T-shirt weather. The first 2 nights were great as well, you could run around in a sweatshirt. The next night, WOW. 18 degrees. We ended up going into town to buy a propane heater, which will be nice to have around in case of an emergency.

Here we are playing Yatzee and Audrey
trying to mess with the camera on the tri-pod. :)

Here is Audrey and the trail marker for the trail we hiked. One day we went up the trail and down the another day. We also took this trail down to a side road that took us up into the lake recreation area. We saw wildlife on our hikes...a tarantula one day, three deer came running between us and a fellow camper (so fast that we were all breathless-they were beautiful!!)

sorry, didn't catch the deer!

This was a fellow camper the girls befriended, named Carl and his dog Misty. The girls of course fell in love with Misty. He also had a cat named Dude, he is in the bushes behind Carl. Carl is a veteran that lives in his motorhome and travels between Tucson and Utah, camping anywhere in between.

Samantha worked hard during our days there and is now on the road to riding her bike without training wheels!!

Superstition Mountain OHV Area  

Here are Debbie and Auddie playing DS during the SANDSTORM...

The SANDSTORM that proceeded to knock down our tent.

Auddie and Ralph riding on our last day in the desert.

Grandma and Grandpa agreed to watch everyone's kids while we (krissy&ralph, Jason&Laura, Bryan&Debbie) went on a ride.
It took us 1 1/2 to get to the top of the mountain (
thanks bryan!!)
and only 1/2 hour to get back(
thanks jason!!).
We could see the Salton Sea. It was gorgeous.